We welcome your thoughts as to how the Bhawan can improve the services it provides to the Ravidass and wider Communities.
Members of the Management Committee are all volunteers. In addition, many other people volunteer on a regular and continuous basis. The volunteers ensure that the Bhawan functions smoothly and effectively. All volunteers (including all members of the management committee) devote their time freely without any financial or any other kind of rewards/compensations either directly or indirectly.
We require assistant in many different fields from IT to helping out in the kitchens
- Assistance with the management of IT
- Assistance with Library Service
- Digitisation of old movies and images
- Collating history of the Bhawan
- Langer preparation
- Langer serving
- Serving parshad
- Cleaning
- Gardening
- Car Park
- And many more
Also, we would like young people and females members of our community to take up leading roles in the Management Committee. If you can spare the time (even a couple of hours a week) we will be please to hear from you. We are open to discussion as to how we can accommodate your talent.
Please assist by volunteering, your involvement with the Bhawan will make a difference. For some of the projects the Bhawan is undertaking you can even work from home (e.g. helping with IT)
We are also looking for highly talented members of our community to organise and lead projects (e.g. research into the origins of the caste system and the life of Shri Guru Ravidass Ji). We will support such projects and where appropriate we will contribute towards trips abroad (e.g. to India) and other expenses to research these topics.