Free Meal Delivery for the NHS Staff


Over thousand free meals a week delivered to the NHS staff


Shri Guru Ravidass Bhawan delivers free meals to the NHS staff in Birmingham Hospitals. Currently, we are supplying meals packs to City Hospital Birmingham, QE Hospital, WMAS, and WMFS.  Medical-staff working in accident and emergency care are provided with packed meals at the end of their long shifts.

Shri Guru Ravidass Bhawan has a large kitchen which is being utilised to prepare over thousand meals a week for the NHS staff and other vulnerable people in the community. The meals are delivered by a group of volunteer drivers organised by the Bhawan.Shri Guru Ravidass Bhawan and its volunteers are following strict guidance from the Birmingham Voluntary Services Council (BVSC) to ensure those preparing food can do so safely, and that the food prepared is safe for consumption.

When it become apparent that the NHS staff was having difficulty doing their shopping after a long shift (that may have lasted over 12 hours) and some time there was nothing left on the shelves in the shops for them.
The management team of Shri Guru Ravidass Bhawan decided to help the NHS staff by providing free meals.